For optimal viewing and play experience, run full screen with sound on!


This game was created from scratch within a week for Snappy Gurus Game Off 2024 by a team of eight. Incorporating the jam theme of 'The Grass is Greener on the Other Side', Gnome vs Gnome explores a comedic rivalry between two garden gnomes as they each attempt to see their territory take the prize for 'The Best Village Garden of the Year'! More than simply aiming for greener grass than the other gnome by tending to your garden, you can also choose to sabotage your opponent's progress. It's up to you to decide whether you think they have it better!

How to Play

Use WASD / Arrow keys to MOVE

Use a mouse / touchpad to INTERACT

Use Q / E  or Scroll Wheel to SWITCH ITEMS

The aim of game is to beat your neighbour and take the trophy for 'The Best Village Garden of the Year'! You do this in two ways - by Maintaining, or Sabotaging.


Maintaining involves looking after your own garden by planting seeds, nurturing the sprouts, and keeping grown plants healthy with water. There are three different flower types: Daisies, Dahlias and Rose Bushes. Daisies are easiest to maintain, whereas Rose Bushes are the hardest; this means that whilst Daisies may be quicker to plant and faster to water, they don't contribute to your garden's progress as highly as Rose Bushes. Beware, however, as this is also true of sabotaging! Water will need to be refilled every four uses, via the hose at the top of the garden.


Sabotaging involves undoing your neighbour's progress towards winning the prize by planting weeds and stamping on healthy plants. Daisies are easiest to sabotage, whereas Rose Bushes are the hardest; this means that whilst it may take longer to destroy a Rose Bush, it will harm their overall chances more than destroying Daisies! Planting weeds will affect any nearby plants (including your own!) by draining their health much faster. Weeds can be stamped on to remove them, but be careful - they act quickly!

The more actions you take, whether maintaining or sabotaging, the more your magic meter will deplete. Given that magic allows garden gnomes to come to life, if this meter becomes fully depleted, then you will turn right back into a static lawn ornament! Be sure to visit your fairy circle base to recharge, before being temporarily frozen out.


Millie-Jo MacIver - Producer & Lead Game Designer

Henry Wilson - Game Designer

Lucy Saskia - Document Keeper

Joel Tippett - 2D Artist

Kai Wright - UI Artist/Designer

Glossing - Composer & Voice Actor

George Pack - Sound Designer

BlueMooStudio - Programming & Unity Animation

Original Music

Gnome vs Gnome features four original tracks, composed by Glossing for this jam:

Main Menu - 'Daisies'

Intro Sequence - 'Morning'

Gameplay - 'The Gnome Dance'

Credits - 'Gnomesanity' (you'll be glad you stuck around!)

Additional Assets

This game uses 100% original assets, except for the following:

- Sunray background and trophy asset at the beginning of the Intro Sequence: from

- Blades of grass underneath the sign on the 'Thanks for Playing!' slide, at the end of the credits: from

- Font: Fredoka (open source)


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